The battle for hearts and minds
2013 Seminar
The battle for hearts and minds
Glynn Harrison, Harrison Glynn[153]
Showing all 4 results
Ego trip
Glynn Harrison, Harrison Glynn[153]
How the self-esteem movement took over our lives and wants your heart. In this seminar we ask how we can begin to fight back at home, school and church.
Glynn Harrison, Harrison Glynn[153]
How churches need to fight back against the power and reach of the pornography industry. This seminar will focus on the psychological and pastoral impact of pornography and make the case for positive and better targeted Biblical teaching on human sexuality.
What is it with men and the church?
Glynn Harrison, Harrison Glynn[153]
In many of our churches men are fewer in number and often slow to commit. What is going on? How can we better reach the hearts and minds of modern men?
Who do you think you are?
Glynn Harrison, Harrison Glynn[153]
Our identity is in Christ – but what does that look like? And feel like? And how should it affect our insecurities, self-confidence and personal resilience?