Late celebration - The King and his Kingdom
2014 Celebration
Late celebration - The King and his Kingdom
Jason Clarke, Graham Beynon, Charlie Butler, Michael Raiter, William Edgar, Dave Gobbett, Hamish Sneddon, Andrew Evans
Showing 1–10 of 11 results
Living for the King
Luke 6:37-49
The authority of the King
Andrew Evans
Luke 5:33-6:36
The forgiveness of the King
Hamish Sneddon
Luke 5:12-32
The mission of the King
Dave Gobbett
Luke 4:14-30
The power of the King
Jason Clarke
Luke 4:31-5:11
Heaven in a nightclub
William Edgar
How jazz music developed during slavery and emerged on to the world stage.
Living for the King
Luke 6:37-49
The authority of the King
Michael Raiter
Luke 5:33-6:36
The forgiveness of the King
Charlie Butler
Luke 5:12-32
The mission of the King
Graham Beynon
Luke 4:14-30