The Lord's people in the Lord's world: personal evangelism in all of life
2014 Seminar
The Lord's people in the Lord's world: personal evangelism in all of life
Hamish Sneddon
Showing all 3 results
The God of our worlds
Hamish Sneddon
What difference does it make to our Christian living and speaking that our God is Father, Son and Spirit? In this session we explore the identity and work of our great God, and also seek to enjoy the fact that we have great confidence in evangelism because Jesus is the Lord of absolutely all things.
The worlds we live in
Hamish Sneddon
What defines our worlds? Not simply our world on a grand scale, but the individual and varied worlds in which we all live, work and play. How does that shape our thinking about evangelism? And how might we be more vivid ambassadors for Jesus as a result?
Worship-full evangelism
Hamish Sneddon
In our final session we’ll join the dots and consider what it means for our evangelism to be an overflow of our worship to our great God. We’ll particularly focus on work and the home environment: How do we witness to Jesus in our workplaces? What pressures might there be? How do the truths we’re looking at shape our parenting, or our witness to unbelieving family and housemates? Come along to equip and be equipped in these crucial areas of life.