12 things God can't do and why they should help you sleep at night
2015 Doctrine Track
12 things God can't do and why they should help you sleep at night
Nick Tucker
Showing all 4 results
The God who can’t be seen and can’t bear to look
Nick Tucker
In this session we will be thinking about God’s holiness by thinking about what Scripture says about him being seen and what he sees.
The God who can’t be tempted
Nick Tucker
In this final session we will be rejoicing in God’s goodness and the comfort it is to know that God cannot lie, or even be tempted by evil.
The God who can’t change, die or suffer
Nick Tucker
It might be hard to square the thought that God cannot change or suffer with what the Bible tells us about his love and his relational qualities. Nonetheless since the death and resurrection of Jesus the majority of Christians have believed that only the unchanging God can really deliver us from sin. We will spend some time thinking about why and spend a little longer this morning thinking about the wonder of the incarnation of the Son of God.
The God who can’t learn, be surprised or change his mind
Nick Tucker
In this first session we will be thinking about what makes God different as creator and then by thinking about his knowledge seeing how his inability, for instance, to learn is a sign that he is greater than we ever imagined.