Creative for Christ
2015 Seminar
Creative for Christ
Alastair Gordon
Showing all 3 results
Surviving as a Christian and an artist
Alastair Gordon
It can be hard surviving as an artist. Not only do you have to find a way to make ends meet but then there’s working in an environment that’s often hostile to Christianity. In this final seminar we will talk about the nuts and bolts of life as an artist and discuss various strategies for finding work and keeping going. Most of all we will discuss how to live with godly integrity in an art world that badly needs the good news of Jesus.
The Christian voice in contemporary art
Alastair Gordon
When was the last time you saw an explicitly religious work of contemporary art? Outside the walls of churches and religious institutions it’s pretty rare to find an artwork made by an evangelical Christian that is also celebrated by the art world. In this second seminar we will ask why religion and contemporary art have learned to live without each another and what we can do to help bridge the gap. This seminar is designed mostly for practicing artists but all are welcome.
Why art matters
Alastair Gordon
We live in visual age and the world of contemporary art plays an increasing role in the way we live, move and have our being. How then should we respond in love and truth? In this first seminar we will discuss the biblical mandate for creativity and ask how art functions in the kingdom of God. A seminar for artists and non-artists alike.