REAL children's ministry
2016 Seminar
REAL children's ministry
Rory Bell
Showing all 4 results
Get a REAL with children
Rory Bell
Children are not simply mini-adults! They’re in the process of developing into adults and therefore they have rapidly changing abilities. This session explores how children develop intellectually, emotionally and physically and the impact this has on how you engage with them and teach the big truths of the Bible to them.
Get REAL children’s ministry working
Rory Bell
A group discussion around the principles from the Get REAL with Ministry session and how they might apply at your church given the resources you have. This is a great session for both teams and individuals.
Get REAL with children’s ministry
Rory Bell
Explore a Biblical model of ministry that takes seriously the need to build relationships, teach the Bible, model the gospel and see young lives radically changed by the power of God’s Word and His Spirit.
Spiritual development of children
Rory Bell
Is it possible for children to understand and respond to the Gospel? How does a child growing up in a Christian home come to faith in Christ and what does that look like? This session explores these and other critical questions related to the spiritual development of children.