Showing 1–10 of 11 results
1Peter 1:22 – 2:10
How do we find a Christian contentment when times are good and is contentment even possible when times are hard? What are the consequences for us if we don’t learn these lessons and how can we encourage one another to find our joy in Christ?
Matthew 8v5-13
Hebrews 3:1-14
Discontentment is everywhere in our world but it can also be a struggle for us in our hearts that can damage our Christian lives. Is it possible for us to find contentment and what does it look like? How does the gospel address feelings of dissatisfaction and enable us to find a satisfying joy in Christ?
Building your confidence to engage people from deprived communities with the gospel of Christ.
Why should churches plant to reach the lost? What models of planting work? How and when should churches plant?
How can churches develop evangelism strategies that mobilise the church family and attract unbelievers?
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