Showing 1–10 of 13 results
Is orthodox Christianity really just the winner out of several equally valid understandings of the message of Christ?
Guarding faith and character whilst developing theologically – and how not to let the one lose sight of the other.
Sin brings us destruction by its consequences, not only legally, but in our nature. To reject the creative word of God is to cut off the basis of our own existence. We are distorted and marred by sin in a way that forgiveness alone cannot fix. Jesus paid the price for sin, he also made us new.
This seems obvious, but we often fear what we might lose when we let go of sinful habits or rule out sin as a coping/defence mechanism. We instinctively treat sin as though it has something to offer us. In this session we will examine our misconceptions and consider how we can learn to love what is truly good.
“Against you, you only, have I sinned.” Fundamental to understanding the problem of sin, is recognising that sin is ultimately against God, it is relational (against him as a person) and regal (against his rights as king). This session will set the scene and help us to see some of the central biblical perspectives on sin.
Not only is sin fatal and destructive of our natures, it also renders us powerless to even begin to try to turn from it, because sin blinds us to the truth and binds us to our disobedience. At the conclusion of this session we will consider what it means that Jesus came to bring us back to reality and to set us free.
The last few years have thrown up a slew of controversies around how churches handle power. Many ministries have imploded under the weight of unhealthy leadership practices and questions have been raised about the health of evangelical culture, especially around issues of power. Our panel of experienced Christian leaders who have thought deeply around these issues will offer insight into how we can develop a better vision and emulate the Lord Jesus who came not to be served and to give his life as a ransom for many.
This session will be a chance to learn together about how as churches we can serve and love brothers and sisters who find themselves in a racial minority in our midst. Our panel have a range of experiences living as black people in a white majority culture and in white majority churches. In the light of an increased awareness of issues of race in our culture and in our churches: how do we welcome the diversity that God has given us? What missteps might we be in danger of taking? How can we show the beauty of the gospel in the way we live together?
In this session we will be thinking about God’s holiness by thinking about what Scripture says about him being seen and what he sees.
In this final session we will be rejoicing in God’s goodness and the comfort it is to know that God cannot lie, or even be tempted by evil.
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